Wednesday 4 May 2016

Blog #11

8:51 P.M. - Hey guys, what's up, Jacob here with another blog! Sorry for the no - show yesterday, I was busy with stuff and had a lot on my hands. Now, before you go ahead and say that I never post blogs on weekends and Tuesday and come up with excuses to cover up, I'd like to tell you that I am not interested to get hate comments just for canceling my daily blog and lying about it; what I say is the truth.

Anyways, I've got something big on my hands; since I'm in a catholic school, it would make sense that, for younger students who can't participate in the science fair, they'd make a faith fair, basically a science fair on religion! It's tomorrow and I've got my project all set up. To be honest, I was a bit bland on the decoration and didn't exactly make it eye - catching. Honestly, I think this one kid's project (he shall remain anonymous), that had a sparkling title, large, colour pictures, and just the important parts (in summaries!), had a MUCH better chance than I. Oh well.

Anyways, to YouTube! I found a new game - Riddle School 2 - and will record ASAP, and am ready to post my Infiltrating the Airship video to YouTube. Will do tomorrow.

Well, that's all! See my channel here, and I will see you next time. Bye!

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