Monday 25 April 2016

Blog #6

6:56 A.M. - OH MY GOODNESS! The TIME! Oh my - oh, you're there. Hey guys, what's up Jacob here with another blog! I'm SO sorry I didn't blog over the weekend, I was caught up in games, videos, new recording devices, etc.

So, let's get this started! To start, I've gotten a complaint about not telling enough about my life, so let's start - you remember Luna at the first blog? Well, I taught her a new trick Saturday - Jump! If you hold food above her head and say, "Luna! Jump!" she WILL jump and go for the treat! Apart from that, I forgot to mention in my other blogs that I play ball hockey, and my next match is against the undeafeatable team of our league! They're gonna be some tough nut to beat!

Now, onto YouTube! As you might have realized, if you keep up with my YouTube channel, the 3rd Stalag Flucht video is out! However, I will postpone that series for my Impossible Quiz video, which is near done.

That's pretty much all the news on what's happening around my house and my YouTube channel! If you want to see my YouTube channel it's here! Don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next time! Bye!

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